On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 8:38 AM, Albino B Neto <bin...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi.
> On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 8:22 AM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>> So I'm wondering... are there other kinds of certification of
>> interest, beyond user certification?  Does anyone currently (or do we
>> anticipate) something like a "Certified OpenOffice Developer"?  If so
>> we might want to reserve categories for "User Certification" and
>> "Developer Certification".  (Admin certification as well?)
> Certification can be wide. How can we have certification for users,
> consultants, developers, I believe this could have shed, or maybe just
> for users and developers.
> It will depend on where the project wants to reach, but I think having
> to Users, Consultants and Developers.
> Because consultants and User: User who want to teach, increases your
> resume. Consultants who wish to migrate to companies etc.

OK.  Let me restate this in another way:

If we have a fixed schema (a fixed taxonomy or list of "areas of
practice") then this allows us to generate an UI that categories by
this value.  So we could have a table of contents or navigation error
that takes you to a list of only "Migration" experts or only
"Certification" experts.  For this to work well we need a pre-defined
list, of maybe 5-12 categories that we can fit everyone into.   But if
every listing has its own unique category, then this is not very
useful.  It doesn't help the consultant or the site visitor.

But I don't want to do anything unnatural either.  If the real world
doesn't fit neatly into 5-12 categories, we could abandon that kind of
categorization and just have it be a free entry field with no special
navigation.  Or even eliminate it altogether in favor of the
unstructured "description" field.

If we think we'll have many listings (more than a page) then having a
categorization would be helpful to the user, I think, to help them
find what they are looking for more easily.

In any case thanks to Ian for the listing data.  Can anyone else offer
a listing?  Alexandro, perhaps?


> Albino

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