----- Original Message -----
>>  Who "praised" my axe? I recall *you* threatened to veto it :-P.
> Yes, I did.  And I've learned from my error.  So in this case I'd seek
> lazy consensus first ;-)
>>  And now that you bring back the issue, I still think the cat-B files have 
>> to be delete *before* graduation.
> Are there some still that you want to delete?  Is anything stopping
> you?  Is there a BZ issue for this?

For the record: I said axe was a proper solution for the issue, I didn't
offer to axe them myself. :)

IMHO, opening a bugzilla for this issue is against the concept of lazy
consensus: there is consensus that we want to graduate so we
remove those files and if someone complains we consider alternatives.

This stuff of opening bugzilla issues, waiting for a lot of people to review
the code and then committing may work well in a corporate environment
but doesn't scale well in an OSS environment.


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