On 10/16/12 12:47 AM, Marco A.G.Pinto wrote:
> A Portuguese dictionary can be found in:
> http://natura.di.uminho.pt/wiki/doku.php?id=dicionarios:main
> Universidade do Minho are now the responsible for the PT-pt speller.

We decided to release AOO only for languages where we see an active
community who is willing to maintain the translation for this language.
AOO is made by volunteers and we can benefit from more help in several
areas. If you want Portuguese version and if you interested to help with
translation feel free to join our localization mailing list

You are welcome to help and make AOO available in your language


> Kind regards,
>        >Marco A.G.Pinto
>          -----------------
> On 15-10-2012 17:59, Marcus (OOo) wrote:
>> Am 10/15/2012 02:44 PM, schrieb Jean Milot:
>>> I search some informations about the pt language pack.
>> You can find all files for the AOO 3.4.1 release here:
>> http://www.openoffice.org/download/other.html
>> A language pack for European Portuguese (pt-PT) is not yet available
>> but if you don't mind you can use the language pack for Brazilian
>> Portuguese (pt-BR).
>> If you really need an office installation with pt-PT please have a
>> look for the legacy OOo release files (OOo 3.3.0 and older) here:
>> http://www.openoffice.org/download/legacy/other.html
>> HTH
>> Marcus
> -- 

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