
Rob Weir schrieb:
For those bringing cameras to ApacheCon, could I ask you to take
photographs in the following topics, for future AOO marketing, website
and social media use:

- photos of speakers, either during their presentation or before/after
their talk.

- audience photographs

- photographs of project members talking informally, at the conference
or at social gatherings

- photographs of computer screens running AOO, or looking at AOO source code

- location shots that give a sense of the place, e.g., showing
ApacheCon logo or AOO logo.

Be creative and have fun!  I wish I could be there.

Please keep in mind, that you need the permission of the persons, if you make the picture available on a website. In Germany that is mandatory and only in case of "Personen der Zeitgeschichte" such permission is not needed.

Kind regards

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