Yeah, if feels at times a little like the Apollo moon landing...a lot
of work went into that "one small step" :-)


On Sun, Jul 13, 2008 at 7:09 PM, Mark Miesfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 13, 2008 at 2:46 PM, Rick McGuire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I committed fixes for this problem....
> This is looking *very* good in ooDialog.  Couldn't resist using my
> test code, I need to take small steps at a time.  <grin>
> Some output:
> DID attach thread. context=7F499954
> in onHelp arg count: 4
> arg 1: 106
> arg 2: WINDOW
> arg 3: 835
> arg 4: 186
> Got return from SendMessageA() p=7FC81C18
>  rxResult value=47
> Did return from DetachThread()
> So, I was able to build an array with the 4 args I wanted to send,
> invoke the onHelp() method in the ooDialog object, and get a return of
> 47 back from the method.
> That's very exciting.  Really, this is the biggest advancement in
> ooRexx since it has become an open source project.
> --
> Mark Miesfeld
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