David Crayford wrote:
Right! m4 is the big issue! If you know of any mainframe ports of m4 1.4.11, even if it's z/VM, I would be
very interested to hear about it.
ISTR that I compiled it under OVM some years ago.
BTW, the patches IBM made when porting the GNU build system
to z/OS never made it back into the GNU tree.
Ah, the travails of the Blue <-> GNU relationship. Who was the point person
at IBM? Were they committed to ironing out all the difficulties, or did the pushing
of the spaghetti up the straw to GNU get too tedious?

I doubt that Red Hat have access to a z/OS system.
If they hadn't at some point, gcc probably wouldn't be running on z/OS.

AFAIK, gcc doesn't run on z/OS. Well, that's not entirely true, there are are a few options http://www.tachyonsoft.com/gcc.html, mostly useless if you want to do anything interesting. The big issue is that glibc hasn't been ported. Porting glibc is non-trivial and requires an in depth knowledge of z/OS internals and the USS environment. I not too fussed about gcc, I'm using the IBM C/C++ compiler.
Aha. Oy. I thought the GCC on USS was further along.
have posted to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
(the z/OS USS newgroup), and cross-posted to IBMMAIN. It's a well known issue, and it seems that IBM
are either unwilling or don't have the time/resources to have a crack at it.
Whee. Probably to REALLY make everything GNUish work on USS there would have
to be some work on USS itself, which is essentially the same MKS-coded semi-toy as
OVM, right?

As I understand it, you are in the stage of swallow-the-cat-to-catch-the-bird-to-catch-the- spider etc. and the cat is m4. If you resolve your m4 issues you still will have many hurdles on way to compiling OORexx. But if the problem you want to tackle at the moment is trying to get a current version of GNU m4 up and running on USS with IBM C/C++ ... well ...
Got a login for me?

Jack J. Woehr            # "Self-delusion is
http://www.well.com/~jax #  half the battle!"
http://www.softwoehr.com #  - Zippy the Pinhead

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