On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Rony G.
Flatscher<rony.flatsc...@wu-wien.ac.at> wrote:

> In order to figure out what I have been seeing ('?' for newline chars), I
> was able to trace this down to where the interpreter reports an error and
> the supplied error string contains a newline char. E.g.
> errorString="This is an error" || "0a"x || "and this the second line of that
> error."
> raise syntax 98.900 array (errorString)
> Running the above Rexx program then yields:
> E:\test>makeError.rex
>      3 *-* raise syntax 98.900 array (errorString)
> Error 98 running E:\test\makeError.rex line 3:  Execution error
> Error 98.900:  This is an error?and this the second line of that error.
> As you can see the line reading "Error 98.900" displays '?' instead of
> breaking the line at that position.
> The BSF4Rexx support will create rather well documented error messages,
> where lines need to be split up in order to be easily readable. (Therefore
> newline characters are part of the error message.)
> As far as I recall this was not the case with 3.2 or earlier versions of
> ooRexx, such that I will file a bug for it.

You should try it on 3.2 or earlier.  My recollection is that it has
always been this way.  Because I have tried in the past to put new
lines in error messages.

If it has always been this way, then you would need to open an
enhancement instead of a bug.  (My memory is not always the best

Mark Miesfeld

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