Hi there,

it looks as if the 32-bit-Linux installer/deinstaller now work. So those
of you who are a little bit adventurous may want to take a first look at
it. Here are the necessary steps:

    * create a Rexx interpreter from trunk, after applying the patch

If you have OOo installed on your system:

    * Please note, the OOo-support only works with the genuine
      OpenOffice from <http://download.openoffice.org>. So, if you are
      not using gentoo, you may need to first remove the OOo supplied
      with your Linux first and install the genuine OOo afterwards.


Now to BSF4ooRexx:

    * get
      and unzip to any location,
          o change into "bsf4oorexx/install/linux" and double-click on

That's it.!
(Best if you logoff/logon again, but you do not have to do it.)

Whatever you notice (good or bad), please let us know.


P.S.: On 64-Bit-Ubuntu there is an issue with 64-bit-Java loading the
64-bit-so; have to look into it. Using 64-bit-Java from 64-bit ooRexx is
o.k. and one can even successfully drive genuine OOo (and e.g. run all
supplied OOo examples).

P.P.S.: Have not yet tested all the additions/changes of the Windows
installer versions, which may have little problems. Will look into that
tomorrow or Monday, as I have become far too exhausted in the past weeks
with this and need some rest...
[The installation for Windows is the same, except for folder: after
unzipping change into change into "bsf4oorexx/install/windows" and
double-click on "install.cmd" and if that does not work double-click on

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