Regarding Unicode: there is a sandbox by the ooRexx developer Jean-Louis
Faucher which I looked up again, knowing from earlier analysis of the
various ooRexx sandbox projects, that he has experimented with Unicode
and ooRexx in the past!

Jean-Louis was obviously engaged in a port of an 8-Bit-Windows
application to Unicode and created a document that describes this
process, the challenges, the problems and how he or his group proceeded
to successfully create a port to Unicode. This document can be found in
his sandbox.

Obviously, he also seems to have started to experiment with ooRexx and
Unicode support and documented what he has done, thought together with
screenshots which indicate as if he was (partially?) able to add some
Unicode support to ooRexx. This document can be found in his sandbox.

As a lot of things need to be known before really tackling this area, I
thought it might be a good thing to make his two
documents available as PDF-files. So I temporarily uploaded the two
documents in PDF-form to
<>. I hope Jean-Louis
Faucher does not mind (if you do, please let me know and I will remove
the PDFs; but I thought because the documents are in the publically
available sandbox, that having a plain, unaltered PDF-rendering would be

Reading those documents is truly exciting!

Maybe Jean-Louis could also explain what he did and how far he has
gotten with his experiments, and what his thoughts are about this
challenging problem?

P.S.: This is my personal initiative, no communications with Jean-Louis
Faucher, so he will be surprised by this posting, I am sure. Thought
after having read his Unicode documents, that he has a lot of experience
and efforts in Unicode with C++ and even with experimenting with ooRexx
and Unicode, much more than people in this group might think, given that
Jean-Louis seems to be quite a humble, decent person. Therefore I would
assume that he would be a huge asset and a key success factor for
tackling Unicode support for ooRexx! [As Rick has mentioned in the past,
it is a hell of a challenge/task to tackle, so the more helping hands,
the more Unicode experience to apply, the better!]

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