Bonjour Jean-Louis,

experimenting with your (great and colorized!) oorexxshell-replacement for 
rexxtry.rex, I saw that
you have been applying your new extension mechanism in some of the Rexx 
pakcages that you
automatically load, e.g. "extension/extension.cls".

A few questions:

  * How stable is your implementation of extensions? Are there any unexpected 
side-effects to be

  * How can one achieve the following extension (from "extensions.cls") 
directives dynamically at
    runtime (e.g. if one creates a method object for the 'quoted' method at 
runtime, how could one
    use that to extend the .String class at runtime) ?

        ::extension String

        ::method quoted
            use strict arg quote='"'
            return quote || self~changeStr(quote,quote||quote) || quote

  * How is it possible to learn which methods got extended in a class?

  * What happens, if different programs extend a class with a method by the 
same name? Is this
    allowed, and if so what are the rules (each extension method replaces an 
exisiting extended
    method; or it is an error to extend a method, if the method exists already)?

  * Is it possible to remove an extended method later in the program? If so, 

For sure your extension mechanism would solve quite a few problems for ooRexx 
programmers, who have
a need to extend existing classes for their purposes. I remember there were 
from time to time
requests to allow for that, especially extending some of the Rexx-supplied 
classes, e.g. the .String
class, which seems to work judging from your ooRexxShell employed 

Very interesting, indeed !

Best regards,


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