Rick McGuire wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 18, 2012 at 7:03 AM, Rony G. Flatscher 
> <rony.flatsc...@wu-wien.ac.at <mailto:rony.flatsc...@wu-wien.ac.at>> wrote:
>     It probably boils down to the question: how could/should the native code 
> learn whether a cached Rexx interpreter instance is still available for use 
> (to avoid any crashes)?
> If your native library is not the one creating the instance, then you 
> probably should not be caching the instance in the first place, but rather 
> using whatever is given to you on context callbacks.
>   Doing it any other way is making some unwarranted assumptions that there is 
> only a single instance active in the process that might be using that library.

Intriguing topic of discussion! :-)

I suspect an "IPC specification" of sorts for ooRexx would be necessary in 
order to allow the ooRexx environment to participate with an external language 
in two-way dialog.

I was off pondering similar things when I was contemplating my ooRexx 
Application Server Architecture which would be grid-aware. To allow ooRexx to 
be grid-aware, an IPC of sorts would be necessary 
between what controls the grid and the core of ooRexx (RxAPI perhaps).

Also for my grid-aware ooRexx thoughts, it became apparent that the ooRexx code 
(RxAPI) would have to become itself grid-aware, deciding which node(s) to spin 
tasks off to, which node has a particular 
object in its memory, etc...

Since nothing is even remotely prepared for such in ooRexx, I decided against 
such a design and was contented to having the architecture start disposable 
instances of the ooRexx interpreter to execute 
something on the architecture's behalf, and once finished the ooRexx 
interpreter is destroyed / cleaned up.


Michael Lueck
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