Hi there,

at <https://sourceforge.net/projects/bsf4oorexx/files/beta/20150608/> you'll 
find a new beta version
of BSF4ooRexx (an external function package to allow ooRexx access to Java, and 
Java access to
ooRexx), a zip-archive for Windows and Linux, and two MacOSX installation 
packages, one for 32- and
one for 64-bit ooRexx.

Changes in this beta:

  * This version fixes a mixup and an installation issue on 64-bit Windows, 
running 32-bit Rexx
    (which also needs a 32-bit Java installed). (So Les, you might want to try 
this version!)

  * This version fullly supports JSR-223 (the Java scripting framework in the 
package javax.script),
    which means that any Java program can take advantage of ooRexx scripts by 
using the Java
    scripting standard. Please look-up the samples in "samples/Java/jsr223" 
which highlights the
    full implementation done for ooRexx, i.e. including the Java interfaces 
Compilable and Invocable.

      o This beta includes a new external Rexx function called 
"BsfContextVariables()", which allows
        one to set (drop) local Rexx variables to the values found in a 
directory. This features is
        exploited in a new nutshell example in "samples/Java/jsr223"; the Rexx 
programs there will
        get invoked via Java and the new javax.script support and demonstrate 
also how to get at the
        information in the supplied ScriptContext.

  * It would be interesting to learn how it does performancewise as well. So, 
if you have a
    possibility to test multiple JSR-223 languages and compare them with the 
ooRexx scripting
    engine, then please share your findings!

If you find bugs, please file them with the sourceforge bsf4oorexx tracker.


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