They were removed from the language because in practice, they resulted in
lots of problems when a closing delimiter was accidentally omitted. It was
pretty easy for a missing quote to swallow up large sections of the program
without error.

I'm not particularly in favor of adding this.


On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 4:37 PM, Erich Steinböck <
> wrote:

> I had a look at the REX folder which mfc has provided at
> and saw that we had
> multi-line strings already back in 1980.  So I'd like to reopen the
> discussion about adding multi-line literals.  (This is not imbedded data -
> now available through the ::RESOURCE directive in 5.0 - but inlined
> literals.)
> At first, what was the reason we lost multi-line strings (starting with a
> simple quote, and spanning multiple lines)?
> What about re-introducing them, either with a third type of quote (e. g. `
> ) or some double-character quote (e. g. `" multi - line string "` )
> On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 6:32 PM, Rick McGuire <>
> wrote:
>> I do for see a use for multi-literals, but I don't really see them as
>> being a good usage for the type of problem I'm trying to solve here.  The
>> directive approach is really intended for situations where I really wish to
>> embed a file within a single source program rather than having it
>> elsewhere.  I most definitely do not want all of that date plunked in the
>> middle of logic, particularly if it is quite large.  Additionally, the
>> directive approach means that data is available to other sections of the
>> code, not just in the context where it happens to be coded.  Additionally,
>> since I envision this data being obtained from the package directive, it
>> can be made public, which means other consumers of that code can obtain
>> access to the data.
>> I'm not adverse to multi-line fact, they would be quite
>> useful for things like dynamically defining methods or embedding snippets
>> of XML code, but can we separate the discussions of these two features,
>> since they really solve different problems.
>> Rick
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