Dear P.O.,

just tested it on my Mac and the test runs without problems and as expected. 
The ooRexx version used
was compiled on 20180726 with revision 11467.

Here the dropbox links:

  * 64-bit ooRexx rev 11467 for Windows and Linux:
      o This directory contains the directories
          + <examples.addressWith>: includes various test scripts that 
excercise "address with"
            including "test1.rex"
          + <examples.variableReference>: includes variuos test scripts that 
excercie the new
            variable reference ability of ooRexx

  * BSF4ooRexx, the Mac-version includes 64-Bit ooRexx at revision 11467 which 
I used to run



On 02.09.2018 22:41, P.O. Jonsson wrote:
> Dear Rony,
> I know this is late feedback but I was finally able to test your examples 
> (from your Dropbox) and
> I still think there is something wrong. Test1.rex performs *ls -al* which 
> should produce something
> like
> POs-12Core-Pro:addresswith po$ ls -al
> total 104
> drwxrwxrwx  14 po  staff   476  1 Sep 17:57 .
> drwxr-xr-x+ 53 po  staff  1802  1 Sep 17:48 ..
> -rw-r--r--@  1 po  staff  6148  1 Sep 17:48 .DS_Store
> -rw-------@  1 po  staff   416 31 Jul 11:25 filter1.rex
> -rw-------@  1 po  staff   394 31 Jul 11:25 filter2.rex
> -rw-------@  1 po  staff   403 31 Jul 11:25 filter3.rex
> -rw-------@  1 po  staff   691  1 Sep 17:57 test1.rex
> -rw-------@  1 po  staff   709 31 Jul 11:23 test2.rex
> -rw-------@  1 po  staff   720 31 Jul 11:22 test3.rex
> -rw-------@  1 po  staff   623 30 Jul 13:22 test4.rex
> -rw-------@  1 po  staff   546 30 Jul 13:14 useFilter1.rex
> -rw-------@  1 po  staff   547 30 Jul 13:15 useFilter2.rex
> -rw-------@  1 po  staff   547 30 Jul 13:15 useFilter3.rex
> -rw-------@  1 po  staff   739 31 Jul 11:26 useFilter4.rex
> POs-12Core-Pro:addresswith po$ 
> When I run test1.rex with Build 11467 on a MAC I do not get any entities in 
> the stem and a RC(127)
> which I think is an error. Here a trace, can you pinpoint where it goes 
> wrong? I am sorry I cannot
> find it myself since I do not know in detail what to expect. I can see that 
> the first part of the
> code runs fine (parsing the source) and I suspect something to be wrong 
> around the „address“
> command but since I do not know the exact syntax for the new behavior I can 
> not find out what is
> missing. Any help is appreciated.
> POs-12Core-Pro:addresswith po$ rexx test1
>      3 *-* parse upper source opSys +1
>        >K>   "SOURCE" => "DARWIN COMMAND /Users/po/AddressWith/test1.REX"
>        >>>   "1"
>        >>>   "D"
>      4 *-* if opSys='W' 
>        >>>   "0"
>      6 *-*   else
>      7 *-*     command="ls -al"
>        >>>       "ls -al"
>      9 *-* prefix="rexx"
>        >>>   "rexx"
>     11 *-* parse source . . this
>        >K>   "SOURCE" => "DARWIN COMMAND /Users/po/AddressWith/test1.REX"
>        >>>   "DARWIN COMMAND /Users/po/AddressWith/test1.REX"
>        >>>   "/Users/po/AddressWith/test1.REX"
>     12 *-* say filespec("name",this) "-> redirecting to stems:"
>        >>>   "test1.REX -> redirecting to stems:"
> test1.REX -> redirecting to stems:
>     13 *-* say
>        >>>   ""
>     15 *-* say "about to execute" pp(command) "->"
>        >>>   "about to execute [ls -al] ->"
> about to execute [ls -al] ->
>     17 *-* address "" command with output stem hi.
>        >>>   "ls -al"
>        >K>   "INPUT" => "HI."
>        +++   "RC(127)"
>     19 *-* say "<- after executing" pp(command)"."
>        >>>   "<- after executing [ls -al]."
> <- after executing [ls -al].
>     21 *-* say '"HI.":' pp(hi.) "hi~class:" pp(hi.~class)", hi.0:" pp(hi.0)
>        >>>   ""HI.": [HI.] hi~class: [The Stem class], hi.0: [0]"
> "HI.": [HI.] hi~class: [The Stem class], hi.0: [0]
>     22 *-* say "---"
>        >>>   "---"
> ---
>     23 *-* say "running command" pp(command) "yielded the following output, 
> stored in" pp(hi.)":"
>        >>>   "running command [ls -al] yielded the following output, stored 
> in [HI.]:"
> running command [ls -al] yielded the following output, stored in [HI.]:
>     24 *-* do i=1 to hi.0
>        >K>     "TO" => "0"
>        >>>     "1"
> POs-12Core-Pro:addresswith po$ 
> Hälsningar/Regards/Grüsse,
> P.O. Jonsson
> <>
>> Am 28.07.2018 um 17:22 schrieb Rony < 
>> <>>:
>> Dear P.O.,
>> being on a visit weekend trip I have not been able to come up with samples 
>> of address...with that
>> work under Linux so far. However documentation and samples may be studied eg 
>> at
>> <> or in the docs of the 
>> Regina  interpreter from
>> Sourceforge
>> <>.
>> ooRexx adds additional features, namely support for orderable collections, 
>> streams and monitors.
>> You may get at samples studying the ooRexx ADDRESS testunit.
>> HTH
>> —-rony
>> Rony G. Flatscher (mobil/e)
>> Am 27.07.2018 um 20:15 schrieb Rony < 
>> <>>:
>>> Dear P.O.,
>>> congratulations and thanks for reporting!
>>> Ad my examples: they were written for Windows, therefore using cmd as the 
>>> einvironment and using
>>> the command ‚dir‘.
>>> Please change ‚cmd‘ to two quotes and the command to ‚ls -al‘, then the 
>>> examples should run
>>> under Unix.
>>> Best regards
>>> —-rony
>>> Rony G. Flatscher (mobil/e)
>>> Am 27.07.2018 um 18:16 schrieb P.O. Jonsson < 
>>> <>>:
>>>> My first reply bounced so here is another try:
>>>> Dear Rony,
>>>> This is just to inform that I have successfully created a fresh build for 
>>>> version 11467 of
>>>> ooRexx for Mac and successfully tested it with some of my own programs and 
>>>> rexxcps. Runs as
>>>> expected. In the coming days I will see if I can make a new pkg installer.
>>>> That was the good news. The bad news is that I think it is not working as 
>>>> it should with the
>>>> newest features. I downloaded your examples and run them blindly and some 
>>>> seems to work and
>>>> others not. I will install the BSF/ooRexxx installer and compare the 
>>>> output later.
>>>> I am still using a tweaked version of cmakelists.txt so there might be 
>>>> something there, I will
>>>> investigate and come back.
>>>> Attached the results of my runs
>>>> <AddressWith.txt>
>>>> <variablereference.txt>
>>>> Von meinen Macbook gesendet
>>>> Hälsningar/Regards/Grüsse,
>>>> P.O. Jonsson
>>>> <>

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