I've made more progress here and now have a set of HTML files, etc. for the rxmath book. In spite of the fact that the source is essentially the same and the stylesheets are as well, the output appears different in a number of ways. I can only attribute this to the different versions of the DocBook stylesheets being used by the two processes or possibly the different way the two handle xinclude. I have put the zipped folder in my Dropbox here <https://www.dropbox.com/s/lqv49jl2obgwxjn/rxmath.zip?dl=0> and would appreciate feedback on what to tackle in order to make them look better.


On 3/2/2020 5:23 PM, Gil Barmwater wrote:

Actually, P.O., the HTML in your Dropbox should be enough to point me in the right direction. Right away I see that my process does not create the Common_Content or Images folders so perhaps the lack of images in my HTML. This should help a great deal! Thanks again. GB

On 3/2/2020 4:01 PM, P.O. Jonsson wrote:
Dear Gil,

I will do that (what version do you want?) but in the meantime please have a look in my dropbox <https://www.dropbox.com/sh/p66c7g01h4jz5ss/AAAZd_Q2yQddrTHagxPo_UiTa?dl=0>, in oorexxdocs/oorexxDocs_11982_Publican you will find all pdf and html as they are created by the publican build (for version 11982).

What the Publican build process is doing is to create one folder per book, each such folder containing some subfolders (for images and common content, css files etc) and one html document for each chapter, and finally one ring to yield them all, index.html that contains the first page and the index. In the build process each book is zipped and all zips are put in the HTML subfolder for further use. My build process simply mimics what is in the makefiles. With Publican all you need to do is to change publican build --formats=pdf --langs=en-US to publican build --formats=html --langs=en-US, I think you need to tinker a bit more with xsltproc :-)

P.O. Jonsson
oor...@jonases.se <mailto:oor...@jonases.se>

Am 02.03.2020 um 21:15 schrieb Gil Barmwater <gbarmwa...@alum.rpi.edu <mailto:gbarmwa...@alum.rpi.edu>>:

I have progress to report on this front. After some debugging of stylesheets, I have been able to create a set of HTML files for the rxmath book (started small :-)). When I look at the HTML files for that book on ooRexx.org <http://ooRexx.org> - the 4.0.0 version - I see lots of things that are different but at least I got the process to run to completion!

I decided to create a DOC2HTML cmd file and have it place the (many) created HTML files in a sub-folder named HTML_files\<book name>\. While I was at it, I addressed the other issues with the PDF creation as well. Once I have had a go at the HTML differences, I will make version 2 of the package available.

P.O.: any chance you could run the Publican process for building HTML for just the rxmath book and make the output files available? It might help me find what else I need to change so they look the same. Thanks!

On 3/2/2020 8:09 AM, Gil Barmwater wrote:

I will have a go at the HTML creation later today.


Gil Barmwater

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