Around here things have become a little bit crazy due to the Corona virus. 
Nevertheless could look
into a few corners from time to time.


ad .rexxinfo: one thing that I have stumbled over has to do with the namings of 
some information
methods in .rexxinfo, which is a new class that gets introduced with 5.0. If 
method name changes
should take place the beta phase would be the time to do so. 

Here my new problem related to the information related to the current Rexx 
version, which is given
by the following methods: languageLevel, revision, release, version, 
majorVersion. The version 5.0.0
is assembled from "majorVersion" (yields "5"), but which goes next 
"modification" (yields "0") or
"release" (yields "0")?

As there is a "majorVersion", there should be a "minorVersion" and maybe a 
"microVersion" instead of
"modification" and "release", where the names then would imply their position 
in the dot separated
Rexx version? This way the names become self-documentary.


Ad Rexx examples: the documentation goes back to the original IBM documentation 
released for OS/2
where Rexx could be used as a batch language and would therefore carry the file 
extension "CMD" (and
probably because of the original FAT-names of the time the names are all in 
uppercase and restricted
to 8.3). There is even the information that Rexx would add .CMD for a missing 
file extension (line
#4137 in the file):

    rexxapi/en-US/classicapi.xml:4137:source file. When a file extension is not 
supplied, .CMD is used. When the full

One sample would assume that there is always the file "c:\config.sys" available 
(it has long been
gone) and that it would be a text file. Here is a list of documentation files 
that include CMD:

    F:\work\svn\oorexx\docs\trunk>grep -Rl CMD *

My plan is to go over those files and rename the CMD-files to "rex"-files and 
lowercase their names
when possible.

Any comments, advice?


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