Dear Rony,

I have collected the 12003 doc build from Jenkins and put it in my dropbox 
where you can collect them. Rexxpg is r12001 still.

It is quite easy to get them from Jenkins, just log in to Jenkins, select the 
job ooRexx-docs-build -> Workspace -> PDF_files

If you want to make a new build of the complete documentation make sure that 
Win32 or Win64 is not building at the same time, I have not tested this in 
parallel on the same machine (yet).

P.O. Jonsson

> Am 24.03.2020 um 14:18 schrieb Rony G. Flatscher <>:
> Forgot to check in my changes that have led to yesterday's rendering of the 
> rexxpg book, checked in with r12003.
> ---rony
> On 23.03.2020 19:09, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
>> Hi Gil,
>> On 20.03.2020 19:07, Gil Barmwater wrote:
>>> I finally have had an opportunity to look into this issue. I downloaded 
>>> your version of rexxpg and opened it next to the one that comes with the 
>>> ooRexx build which is "pre-split" so it has none of the changes that you 
>>> have made. One thing I noticed was that you have added tags "inside" the 
>>> examples which I had not seen before. My understanding of the 
>>> <programlisting> tag was that it was supposed to show code examples or 
>>> snippets "as-is" with the possible exception of syntax highlighting, a 
>>> separate issue. Now, as you have demonstrated, you CAN "tag" parts of a 
>>> <code> or <programlisting> section but I don't see the benefit of doing so.
>> You assume too much, there was no intention to mark-up text in 
>> programlisting elements! :)
>> After splitting the book I noticed that the programmer's guide had much text 
>> that was not marked up. As with marking up the EventSemaphore or 
>> MutexSemaphore class I looked around those xml files to see what tags would 
>> be used to mark up the text and used it myself short of knowing the DocBook 
>> tags and when and where to apply them.
>>> Similarly, tagging words in the section titles causes the TOC (which is 
>>> automatically generated) to display them accordingly. So, if it were me 
>>> doing the work, I would only use the tags in the paragraphs where they draw 
>>> the distinction between the prose and the "names" of important things.
>> That is exactly what I have been trying to do as it is a *lot* of work to 
>> read and look through the text and marking up the text accordingly (this has 
>> not been work of a few hours but of a few days by now!). 
>> Ad TOC: I was under impression, after skimming through the css files, that 
>> the boldness in TOCs would be removed, cf. "css/common.css", lines 743-746:
>> /* no bold in toc */
>> .toc * {
>>      font-weight: inherit;
>> }
>> Thought that the HTML formatting would follow the DocBook rendering, hence 
>> asking for a means to remove or at least reducing the boldness in the TOC.
>> The overhauled version currently applies the mark-up to all the respective 
>> text, e.g. all class names in titles get marked up with the "classname" tag. 
>> However, they show as bold as do literals like .environment and .local which 
>> looks quite distracting for me.
>> As this boldness in the TOC seems to be quite disturbing my original 
>> question about a possibility to remove/reduce the boldness from/in the TOC.
>> Text that denotes classnames, literals and such IMHO should be 
>> distinguishable in its type from regular text in titles as well. One way to 
>> achieve that - which I know now - would be to mark-up such text with the 
>> methodname tag, which gets formatted to monospaced-normal according to the 
>> Conventions explanation. 
>> Would that be something everyone could agree upon in theory? 
>> If so I would change that title markup accordingly to render a new version 
>> of rexxpg for assessment and comparison to finally decide upon it. (I just 
>> would like to save me the work if everyone thinks it is not worth to test.)
>>> Again, just my opinion. Our documents have always only used the three types 
>>> of typographic conventions described in the the Preface of each book. 
>>> Deviating from that "standard" needs a whole lot more discussion and 
>>> consideration IMHO. 
>> I agree.
>> While analyzing and overhauling the markup in the past days I created a 
>> "test" book that includes the markup that the ooRexx books use, which are by 
>> far not all the elements that DocBook defines as I have found out (cf. 
>> <> 
>> <>). 
>> The directory "oorexx/en_US" seems to have all the files from some DocBook 
>> distribution. Its Conventions.xml demonstrates many more elements, such that 
>> I have included them in the aforementioned "test" book just to see - after 
>> formatting the test book - which elements render how and whether there are 
>> elements that we do not use but might be useful. 
>> There could be much more said after all that work and research, but maybe at 
>> another occasion. 
>> After almost finishing the overhaul, there is another markup that may need 
>> agreement: marking up keywords (and subkeywords) and directives. I have 
>> applied the methodname tag (monospaced-normal) for them, short of better 
>> matching tag names, thinking that they ought to be set the same as method 
>> names.
>> Please take a look at that and please give feedback ASAP whether that is 
>> o.k.?
>> If it is o.k. the "Document Conventions" need to be changed accordingly as 
>> well.
>>> On 3/20/2020 9:15 AM, Rony G. Flatscher wrote: 
>>>> On 19.03.2020 14:31, Gil Barmwater wrote: 
>>>>> Having spent some time looking at the documentation while developing the 
>>>>> system to build the 
>>>>> books, I found that we actually have a set of conventions on how things 
>>>>> are displayed. This is 
>>>>> part of every document, under the title "Typographic Conventions", right 
>>>>> near the beginning of the 
>>>>> book. So this proposal seems rather extreme to me as it could have a 
>>>>> major impact on all our 
>>>>> documents. Just my opinion. 
>>>> Gil, of course there is no intention to have any negative impact on the 
>>>> documentation! 
>>>> The current boldness is quite strong and looking at the rexxpg book (also 
>>>> in the TOC!) the bolded, 
>>>> monotype text stands out prominently. Hence wondering whether removing the 
>>>> boldness (but leaving it) 
>>>> to semi-bold would be possible at all. And if it was possible it still 
>>>> needs to be assessed whether 
>>>> it negatively impacts the overall look-and feel of the books.
>> The idea of a less bold, but still bold font has come up for me because 
>> there different kinds of boldness in types and therefore I thought that 
>> there may be a possibility to have a less bold font to express boldness and 
>> then have a possibility to compare. However, this is nothing very important, 
>> especially at this point in time where there may be much more challenges 
>> still left in the creation of the books.
>> Also, experiments, discussions and exchanges like this have become possible 
>> only, because you made it easy to create the ooRexx documentation, Gil! :)
>> Summary of questions:
>> Assuming that removing boldness from TOC is not really possible at this 
>> time, should I try to have classnames, literals and the like marked up with 
>> the methodname tag in title elements to see its effect on the TOC formatting?
>> Is it o.k. to use the methodname tag for marking up keywords, subkeywords 
>> and directives?
>> ---rony
>> [1] Current version of rexxpg.pdf: 
>> <> 
>> <>
>> P.S.: The reason why I did not notice that I would add markup to some of the 
>> programlisting elements was that all text has been given in an endless 
>> stream of lines empty lines displacing different elements which is possible 
>> in such markup ("ignorable whitespace"). So I added empty lines before and 
>> after such elements to make them stand out in the XML text.
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