On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 10:30 AM Gil Barmwater <gbarmwa...@alum.rpi.edu>

> Although it seems that work on this has stopped, I have actually been
> still working on it! The functionality of the package seems stable so I
> have been thinking about how best to make it available in a more
> "official" way than through my DropBox. We now have a folder named tools
> in the docs portion of the SVN repository thanks to Rony so that seems
> to be the logical place to put the package. The problem that arises is
> that the complete package contains binary files which are not normally
> kept in SVN.

Binary files in SVN are not really an issue. We have lots of binaries
already in the tree, such as images, icons, etc. The other option would be
to upload the package to the project Files section such as has been done
with the NSIS package used to build the Windows installer. My personal
preference would be SVN.

> So I can either upload the entire package anyway or just
> upload the parts that are not obtained from the Internet and write
> detailed instructions on what and how to obtain the other portions. The
> first has the advantage that the package is immediately usable once it
> is checked out while the second is much "cleaner" but requires the user
> to do additional "installation" work before it can be used. I did not
> like either choice so I have written an ooRexx program named Setup that
> does that "installation" work automatically. It downloads all seven
> packages, unzips them into the correct locations and, in the case of the
> xsltproc packages, copies the executable files into the main folder. The
> Setup program should only have to be run once after the package is
> checked out if the user's internet connection is stable - mine has not
> been lately - but can be safely rerun if it does not run to successful
> completion.
> So my intention now is to check-in the portions of the package without
> the "external" tools but with the Setup program. These consist of one
> .cfg file, six .cmd files, three .rex programs, two .txt files, and four
> .xsl stylesheets. Before I do so I need some guidance on including the
> "boilerplate" regarding license and copyright information. Clearly, the
> ooRexx programs need it but what about the other file types? And should
> I just take the text from one of the "samples" files or something else?

Yes, any text files probably should have a copyright, if practical. Just
grab the text from any file that includes one.

> --
> Gil Barmwater
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