> And how would the system know which process you are trying to terminate?
> Sent by Magic!

Well, under Windows XP and Windows 7, the system knew the process you were
terminating because you did the Control C in the Command Prompt windows you
wanted to terminate.


You open a Command Prompt and run a program.  This program opens up four
(4) additional Command Prompts, using the start command with the necessary
information to create queues, etc.

Later on you come along and for whatever reason decide to close one of
there four (4) additional Command Prompts.  You would select the one you
want to terminate and bring it to the foreground and then do a Control-C.
The Windows system and CMD.EXE proces the Control C and kill the on-going
program.  How well your ooRexx program handles this situation is another
issue and not addressed here.

I hope the above is clear.  :-) At least it is to me.  :-)
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