Eugene Surowitz <> writes:

| I'm getting this when I try to download the source tarball :
|     G:\AXIOM=OpenAxiom\open-axiom.tar.gz.part could not be saved, because the
|     source file could not be read.
|     Try again later, or contact the server administrator.
| Any thoughts?
| Gene


I don't understand why you typed in that command.

If you want to download the latest version, just visit

and click on the text "Download open-axiom-1.4.2.tar.bz2".  That should
start the download process.   If you configured your browser correctly
(e.g. if you asked to be prompted on download), your browser should
display a popup dialog asking you where to place the downloaded file.
If you didn't then just wait till the download is finished and move the
downloaded file to the location you wanted.   

I just verified that this works perfectly on 3 different machines.

-- Gaby

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