I feel that if someone volunteers to run a poll, that they should be
allowed to settle ties themselves :)

The 5th it is.


On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 11:20 AM, Remington Steed <r...@calvin.edu> wrote:
> There was a tie between Dec 5 (Friday) and Dec 11 (Thursday).  Let's schedule 
> the "Web Staff Client Docs Day" for.....
> ** Friday, December 5 **
> Here's my rationale:
> 1. By choosing the earlier day, anyone who can't make it might be able to 
> contribute some time on the 11th and could build on the work already done on 
> the 5th.
> 2. There is an Evergreen for Academics meeting on the 11th, and I don't want 
> to discourage DIG members from joining that.  Also, it's helpful for us to 
> have a dedicated day, so that community members are more likely to be 
> available to help us, if needed.
> I welcome your feedback.  If no one disagrees by Tues, December 2, I will 
> announce it to the general list.  But for now, let's all tentatively mark 
> December 5 on our calendars and prepare to DIG!
> For preparation, see (and edit) this page:
> http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:webclient
> Thanks all!
> Remington

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