Hello list members,
Is there a way to "clone" a record in Evergreen? That is, if you have the 2010 edition of a travel guide, can you simply modify the 2009 record, and save it as a new record by changing the appropriate information and giving it a new control number?

Also, when you are doing a batch upload of records is there any way to "force" a record to load even if it matches one already in the database? Since I use a different MARC editor than the one in Evergreen, I would find it easier to improve records by loading a better version of the record, then merging the two. Is this possible? I have tried not checking the "Auto-Import Non-Colliding Records" box, then selecting the records I want to load and "Importing Selected" - this didn't seem to replace or duplicate the record in question.

Any assistance would be much appreciated,

Melissa Lowenberg, Supervisor of Support Services

TNRD Library System
#300-465 Victoria Street
Kamloops, BC V2C 2A9
Tel. 250-374-8866 Fax 250-374-8355

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