Hi John:

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 7:24 PM, John Morris <jmor...@beau.org> wrote:
> Trying to install 2.0.10 and have hit an odd problem.
> Made it to install the prerequisites and can't do it.
> The problems seem to be two. The first is Net::Z3950::SimpleServer won't
> install from cpan.  Squeeze doesn't have yaz and libyaz4 doesn't seem to

You have to install a previous version of Net::Z3950::SimpleServer
from CPAN. There were hopes that the maintainers would realize that it
would be nice if their package would install on the most recent stable
Debian release and make the dependency on the most recent source
version of yaz optional, but that seems not to be in the cards.

Net-SimpleServer-Z3950 1.12 works happily with Debian Squeeze. Don't
have the command at my fingertips but something like the following
from the CPAN shell should work:

cpan> install M/MI/MIRK/Net-SimpleServer-Z3950-1.12

> be compatible.  Although it does install a yaz-config as part of
> libyaz4-dev the cpan build process doesn't find it.  Hacked around that
> and came up against the build failing to find yaz/facet.h and that file
> isn't on the system and dpkg -L libyaz-dev doesn't show it as part of
> it.  So how has anyone else managed to install on debian?  I'm assuming
> they have so what have I missed?  Should I go find a tarball of an older
> yaz and manually build it?  Really hate going outside the package system
> if I can help it.

This is a relatively recent development (well - middle of August) and
as the package is only required for providing a Z39.50 server it
hasn't been on the front of people's minds; they generally don't run
into it when testing out the basic functions of an installed system.
We should be able to tweak Makefile.install accordingly - either to
install the latest yaz from source (sigh - hopefully _that_ won't
introduce problems to more core functions like z39.50 import...) or to
install Net::SimpleServer::Z3950 1.12 specifically (I'd lean towards
that because it has less impact on the system as a whole).

> Second problem is BOBTFISH::Class-DBI-Frozen fails because it won't
> build without a working postgres server on localhost.  I'm testing a
> split database so hadn't installed postgres and the dependencies coded
> in Makefile.install didn't catch it.  Oops.  Will install a server long
> enough to build it once I get past the more serious problem.

Are you _sure_ it didn't install? I've never had to have a PostgreSQL
server installed for that package to be installed. The CPAN directives
in Makefile.install state that it should be installed forcefully -
there are one or two tests that are known to fail and therefore kick
out scary error messages, but they're red herrings.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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