Thanks Dan. I'm not trying to be coy.  Just trying to get a handle on the
range of options.  In my ideal world, of course I want this " or having the
search go against the full-text of the ebooks / ejournals / databases
and show up in federated results..."  but it seems like most people just
have a link in their 856 field that takes the user to the Overdrive copy.
 I'm trying to see how we've gotten with Evergreen to the ideal world.  Or
if there is a better ideal world that I'm missing.

Can you explain (in layman's terms what this means):   if it finds
a match then it shows the result from the OpenURL resolver (including
coverage information for ejournals); failing that it falls back to the
located URI.

I understand it as: if it finds a match then it shows the copy for which
that user is authenticated; failing that it......what?


On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 9:02 AM, Dan Scott <> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 10:54 AM, Lori Ayre <> wrote:
> > As I said, ebooks for sure and subscription databases if anyone has done
> that. I'm assuming not as to the latter.
> That is still pretty meaningless to me. Do you mean "integration" in
> the sense of just having links to ebooks / ejournals hosted somewhere
> else, or embedding the content within the catalogue, or having the
> search go against the full-text of the ebooks / ejournals / databases
> and show up in federated results...?
> For what it's worth, Conifer uses Evergreen's OpenURL look-up service
> open-ils.resolver to check ISSNs and ISBNs against OpenURL resolvers
> (and caches the result as some resolvers are pretty slow); if it finds
> a match then it shows the result from the OpenURL resolver (including
> coverage information for ejournals); failing that it falls back to the
> located URI.
> And of course we use the Google Books API for embedded views or
> previews of books on the details page.

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