I think you can do it without Summon, that's what I've been trying to see.
 For example, Dan Scott's users can access material in NetLibrary,
ProQuest, Science Online, Emerald, etc.  As he said, they use Evergreen's
OpenURL resolver.

So, my take-away is that you can use native Evergreen tools to provide
users with a discovery interface for physical materials as well as e-books
and subscription database resources.

If I've got that wrong, let me know!

You all should also see the great work being done at HSLC with Evergreen +
VuFind.  They have been working on using VuFind to expand the range of
material they can make discoverable and being able to support requests
(holds) in that same interface (so passing the request from VuFind to
Evergreen).  Pretty nice so far.  Can't wait to see it when its all done!


On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Tara Robertson <
information.detect...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Lori,
> I'll take another stab at this.
> An ILS searches catalog records, including ones for stuff that point to
> electronic resources or ebooks.
> To search the catalog, full text databases, and other stuff (like local
> digital content) you'll need something else, like a discovery tool, like
> Summon.
> Does that make sense?
> Cheers,
> Tara

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