On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 07:45:57PM -0700, Lori Bowen Ayre wrote:
> I can't remember who said they'd be responsible for creating a Who Does
> What page on the wiki so we can start making more explicit how it works to
> change the blog pages or get a wiki account.
> I noticed the Koha has a wiki page that covers some of this info.  Might
> be a useful jumping off example?
> http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Website_Administration

I'm bringing this thread over to the -general mailing list so that the
community has a better chance of jumping in. In short, Ben Shum
went ahead and documented a lot of this at

It's a wiki page, so if anyone spots something missing they can fill it
in, but Ben did an _awesome_ job fleshing this out to provide the list
of people and organizations who are responsible for the many
services underpinning Evergreen's presence on the web today.

I think it errs on the proper side of providing more infrastructure
administration information than just purely about website (e.g. git &
mailing lists are more than websites, thus I added in the
testing.evergreen-ils.org info). Maybe we'll want to move the page to
"infrastructure_administration" or something like that? In any case,
it's great to have this snapshot of who is doing what.

Thanks, Ben!

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