If you have the ability to update the database I'd suggest writing a short sql script to be run on a daily basis that could add a patron alert/note when the criteria are met (every second year following the user create date).

Justin Hopkins
MOBIUS/Missouri Evergreen

On Fri May 17 03:41:21 2013, Anne Murray wrote:
We use the statistical categories editor with DETAILS CHECKED as the
main part and then a pick list eg MAY 13 so that comes up on the front
screen. Not the perfect solution but it works ok for us.

Anne Murray
East Dunbartonshire Libraries

On 17 May 2013 00:47, James Wagner <wag...@lincoln.library.on.ca
<mailto:wag...@lincoln.library.on.ca>> wrote:

    Our library board wants us to regularly (every 2 years) verify
    with patrons that the telephone number, address etc., that we have
    for them are correct. The only way I have been able to do this, so
    far, is to set their “Privilege Expiration Date” to 2 years from
    now. Unfortunately, when the Expiration Date arrives, all patron
    privileges cease – patrons cannot renew items online, they cannot
    sign ebooks out from Overdrive, etc., and they are notified that
    their account has expired. This is like trying to hit a fly with a
    sledge hammer. Is there another way of having a reminder pop up,
    for staff to talk to the patrons, every two years, without
    completely blocking patron privileges?____

    __ __

    James Wagner____

    Technical Services Co-ordinator____

    Lincoln Public Library____

    Vineland, Ontario, Canada____

    905-563-2799 ext 216____

    wag...@lincoln.library.on.ca <mailto:wag...@lincoln.library.on.ca>____

    www.lincoln.library.on.ca <http://www.lincoln.library.on.ca>____

    __ __

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