Hi Jennifer,

It looks like everyone else has covered your question regarding deleted items. To answer your other question:

To top it off, I am still wondering how items get into the reshelving status? Is the ONLY trigger the checkin function?

As far as I know, the only way items will go into reshelving is if you check then in, if you manually change the status in the copy editor, or if you update the status in the database. The checkin will change the status to reshelving even if the item was not checked out to a patron. For example, if the item was listed as available, it will change to reshelving if you scan it in the checkin interface.


On 01/21/2015 03:55 PM, Walz, Jennifer wrote:

All –

Ok. I have a real mystery for you. We are still trying to figure out our “reshelving” status issue. Some items have gotten that status and REFUSE to go out of that status with the script running on the server.

So. I keep running the “list items by status” report to see what is still not changing. And on that list are two items (with title and barcode) that ARE NOT IN THE SYSTEM! What? I can’t bring up the item by title or by barcode. It is not in the system. As a matter of fact we deleted those items and marc records just two days ago. So, why do those two still show up when I run the report?? That is so weird.

To top it off, I am still wondering how items get into the reshelving status? Is the ONLY trigger the checkin function? Or do other actions trigger that status? I think we are getting some real mystery items into that status and then they refuse to leave. When I look up the items to see more information, there is no check in date. How can that be?

Put on your thinking caps. This one is a real stinker. At least it is to me.



Jennifer Walz, MLS - Head of ILS witchery
Kinlaw Library - *Asbury University*
One Macklem Drive, Wilmore, KY 40390
859-858-3511 ext. 2269

Kathy Lussier
Project Coordinator
Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
(508) 343-0128
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kmlussier

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