Are any Evergreeners accepting smartphone apps that store card barcodes? 
(CardStar, Keyring, etc) Or I guess I should ask, WHO is doing this?

To keep this Evergreen related, are you using anything in the staff client to 
verify patrons are who their phone says they are? We don't like that anyone can 
type in any card number and have it generate a barcode. There needs to be some 
identification (photo ID? Ask birthdate?). It just dawned on me that any 
library with self-checkout must be dealing with this regardless of whether the 
practice is in the library's policy.

Curious what you've come up with to use, besides asking for an ID, in addition 
to the barcode app. We're dreaming of an Evergreen app that includes something 
like these "loyalty" apps, but specific to our library....


Holly Brennan
Library Technology Specialist
Homer Public Library, Alaska
907-235-3180 (main)
907-435-3154 (direct)

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