Hello, I'm curious if other users of the built in self check interface would 
support a change.  I would like the self check interface to hide the Print List 
button on the checkout screen.  We have found that some customers press that 
button, take the resulting printout as their receipt and walk away, instead of 
using the logout buttons.  The next person doesn't always realize that someone 
else is logged in, so extra items get checked out to the first user.

The print list button would still display for the other screens, Holds, All 
items out and fines.

Does anyone have users that need the ability to print a list of the items they 
just checkout out, in addition to a receipt?

The bug report is at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1555791

There are a few other self check changes that are coming in 2.10 (that may be 
backported also).

-          Print list for holds will now work - 

-          Hide the UI elements when no one is logged in - 

There is also a fix for the fines printing, it isn't targeted to make it in to 
2.10 though.

-          https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1551447

All the self check related bugs can be seen at 

Lake Agassiz Regional Library - Moorhead MN larl.org
Josh Stompro     | Office 218.233.3757 EXT-139
LARL IT Director | Cell 218.790.2110

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