Ideally, a process would come before a new list, but given that this is the third time in my memory that there has been discussion of an acquisitions list, I have no objections.


On 04/27/2017 10:58 AM, Leslie St. John wrote:
This is not the first time the group has discussed or requested a separate mailing list.This keeps coming up because when the group meets there is indication that if we had the list more users would become more vocal, which is really something we need to facilitate. I've noticed that most of the no's are coming from people who aren't acquisitions users. Why can't we at least try it out? If we need guidelines to surround this process, fine, but let's make them so they allow the possibility.
Thanks for listening,
my 2 cents,

Leslie St. John
/PINES Services Specialist/
Georgia Public Library Service
1800 Century Place, Suite 150
Atlanta, GA 30345-4304
404-235-7129 tel
404.235.7201 fax <> <>

On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 1:31 PM, Kathy Lussier < <>> wrote:

    Hi all,

    I'm just catching up to this email thread now. I also saw that
    there was a similar request for a circulation list that was
    briefly discussed in IRC last week.

    There seems to be two schools of thought in the community about
    mailing lists. There are a lot of people who would like to see
    most of the discussions happening on just one or two lists so that
    nobody is missing out on information that may be important to
    them. The volume of discussion in the community is certainly small
    enough to support the idea of using just one or two lists for all
    of our communication.

    We also have people who prefer to communicate on topical lists
    that pertain to their area of focus.

    I'm one of those people who would prefer that all Evergreen
    discussions happen on the general list, but I'm also a person who
    feels comfortable posting to the general list. When the catalogers
    list was created a few years ago, I noticed a couple of people
    posting to the list who I had previously rarely seen posting on
    the general list. I think that's one value to creating these
    topical lists. No matter how much we tell people they should feel
    comfortable posting on any Evergreen-related topic to the general
    list, there will always be people who feel a little intimidated
    about posting to a list the goes out to the entire Evergreen
    community. If a new list gets more people comfortable with
    participating in the community, I consider it a win.

    Although I also sometimes hear concerns that talking too much on a
    given topic might clog up another list, I've ever heard anyone
    complain about this issue. It would be good to know if there are
    people who do indeed think there is too much traffic coming from
    their Evergreen list discussions, but I personally find the volume
    very low.

    Another factor to consider is that topical lists might give people
    a feeling that there is a place for them in the community. Since
    we have already created lists for reports and cataloging, I can
    see why community members might hope there is a similar
    communication platform for other topical areas.

    What we seem to be lacking is any kind of process for requesting
    new lists or guidelines about when a new list is warranted. With
    no process, my concern is that this request and the circ request
    will just die with no definitive answer. A clear 'no' answer with
    reasons why the list will not be created is better than no answer
    at all.

    I've looked around and found a couple of other communities that
    have some kind of language around new lists.

    Debian -
    <> (very vague)
    One Laptop Per Child -

    If you all think this is a good idea, I would be willing to work
    on coming up with some guidelines. Also, let me know if you are
    interested in helping out.


    On 04/21/2017 09:37 AM, Rogan Hamby wrote:
    My concern would be that we have already seen other lists (such
    as the Sysadmin one) suffer from splintering as Jason pointed
    out.  People may not sign up for a new list serv and less eyes on
    communication ends up being a detriment.

    The cataloging list for example I don't think is suffering from
    such a volume of messages that adding to it will create too many
    noise points or disrupt it's existing communication.  So far in
    the whole of 2017 to date (109 days) we have had 23 messages on
    the cataloging list, so a frequency of just over one every five
    days.  I think there's plenty of room in there for focus to
    happen :)

    And I will also echo Jason's point about development input should
    happen on the development list where possible.  The dev list is
    not a secret club for coders but for development.  Sometimes the
    lines blur and discussion of features, bugs, etc... happens
    across lists (which is healthy) but when things are clearly about
    specific development I don't see how splintering the
    communication away from the people who file bugs, test bugs,
    write patches, etc... benefits it.

    Rogan Hamby

    Data and Project Analyst

    Equinox Open Library Initiative

    phone:  1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)



    On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 9:03 AM, Tiffany Little
    <>> wrote:

        My vote would be "yes" for having a specific listserv for
        Acquisitions. It would let the discussions be more
        Acq-specific instead of clogging up the Catalogers' list with
        stuff they might not care about, and could be a more focused
        discussion since it wouldn't be mixed in with other areas of


        Tiffany Little
        /PINES Services Specialist, Acquisitions/
        Georgia Public Library Service
        1800 Century Place, Suite 150
        Atlanta, Georgia 30345
        (404) 235-7160 <tel:%28404%29%20235-7160>

        On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 8:41 AM, Jason Stephenson
        < <>> wrote:

            I'd argue for "No" on the creation of an acquisitions
            list. Mainly for
            the same reasons that the administrators' list was shut
            down and that I
            disagree with the creation of a circulation list.

            I think the discussion of Angularization of acquisitions
            belongs on the development list and not on the
            catalogers, general, or a
            new list. If you want to discuss how the interface looks
            and works,
            you're a developer whether or not you write code, like it
            or not.

            Just my opinion. Your mileage may vary, etc.

            On 04/21/2017 08:27 AM, Elaine Hardy wrote:
            > Christine,
            > Works for me....
            > Elaine
            > J. Elaine Hardy
            > PINES & Collaborative Projects Manager
            > Georgia Public Library Service/PINES
            > 1800 Century Place, Ste. 150
            > Atlanta, GA 30045
            > 404.235.7128 <tel:404.235.7128> Office
            > 404.548.4241 <tel:404.548.4241> Cell
            > 404.235.7201 <tel:404.235.7201> FAX
            > On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 5:59 PM, Christine Burns
            > <
            > <mailto:christine.bu...@bc.lib
            <>>> wrote:
            >     Hello
            >     The Acquisitions Interest Group is requesting an
            >     specific listserv. Currently Acquisitions falls
            under the
            >     Cataloguers list with the rest of technicial
            services. During the
            >     Acquisitions Interest Group meeting at the
            Evergreen Conference this
            >     month the group discussed the need for an
            Acquisitions specific
            >     listserv to facilitate AIG activity. We are
            anticipating an
            >     increased amount of Acquisitions specific
            discussions during the
            >     Angularization of the Acquisitions module in the
            web client.
            >     This topic is open for discussion please voice your
            opinion by
            >     *Friday May 5th*.
            >     A copy of the meeting minutes can be found on the
            >     Interest Group wiki page here -
> <
            >     Thank you
            >     Christine
            >     --
            >     Christine Burns
            >     Co-op Support
            >     BC Libraries Cooperative
            >     Ph: 1-888-848-9250 <tel:1-888-848-9250>

-- Kathy Lussier
    Project Coordinator
    Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
    (508) 343-0128 <tel:%28508%29%20343-0128> <>
    Twitter: <>

Kathy Lussier
Project Coordinator
Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
(508) 343-0128

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