2008/5/6 aspasia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  then I try to start the daemon - /etc/init.d/
>  iscsi start and it seems like unlike other distros a startup script
>  was not automatically created  i did which:

Don't you mean /etc/init.d/iscsid ?

>  which iscsid
>  /usr/sbin/iscsid
>  r04s23 scsi #
>  The binary seems to be there ...  running it does not seem to work -
>  and I did not see any of the modules installed ...

>  So I emerged search and noticed the following:
>  emerge --search iscsi
>  Searching...
>  [ Results for search key : iscsi ]
>  [ Applications found : 3 ]
>  *  sys-block/iscsi-initiator-core-tools [ Masked ]
>       Latest version available: 2.3
>       Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ]
>       Size of files: 50 kB
>       Homepage:      http://iscsi-initiator-core.org/
>       Description:   iscsi-initiator-core is a full featured iSCSI
>  Initiator stack.
>       License:       GPL-2
>  *  sys-block/iscsitarget
>       Latest version available: 0.4.15-r1
>       Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ]
>       Size of files: 100 kB
>       Homepage:      http://iscsitarget.sourceforge.net/
>       Description:   Open Source iSCSI target with professional
>  features
>       License:       GPL-2
>  *  sys-block/open-iscsi
>       Latest version available: 2.0.868_rc1
>       Latest version installed: 2.0.868_rc1
>       Size of files: 269 kB
>       Homepage:      http://www.open-iscsi.org/
>       Description:   Open-iSCSI is a high performance, transport
>  independent, multi-platform implementation of RFC3720
>       License:       GPL-2
>  .....
>  seems like the initiator-tools is not installed - so what is the
>  difference between the initiator-tools and open-iscsi?     I thought
>  the latter is a superset?
>  Finally, wouldn't the installation of these automatically also include
>  the necessary modules?  I do not see them in the usual /lib/modules/
>  <version>/<kernel>/drivers/scsi ??
>  thanks in advance,
>  Aspasia
>  Please advise.


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