In this wonderful new world of systemd, I have an issue with stopping the 
iscsid service when the daemon has died or been killed.

My setup:
* I have an iscsid.socket unit file, which is enabled and started
* I have an iscsid.service unit file, which controls the iscsid daemon. 
This is disabled and not started

Normally, if I run a command like "iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p 
SOME-TARGET", systemd notices that iscsiadm is trying to talk to iscsid 
through the socket, and it starts up iscsid. This is the cool part (IMHO) 
of systemd socket activation.

When I want to stop iscsid, I can just tell systemctl to do it via 
"systemctl stop iscsid", and it runs the "ExecStop=" command in the service 
unit file, which is "iscsiadm -k 0 2" before terminating the daemon 

[NOTE: the "2" here in this command actually does nothing and is ignored, 
but I copied this from someplace else long ago, and the "2" was present 

It is of importance, in this case, that the ExecStop command actually sends 
an IPC message to the daemon (iscsid) requesting it to cleanly shut itself 
down. Herein lies the rub.

All of this works great until the daemon happens not to be running. You can 
simulate this with "kill -TERM $(pidof iscsid)" when the daemon is running. 
Now you are in a situation where systemd started the service and knows it 
is now not running, so it seems to send the ExecStop command to cleanly 
shut it down. This command hangs! It seems to be stuck in an infinite loop 
trying to send the shutdown command to the daemon, waiting for it to 
timeout, then trying again. The daemon starts up, sees an IPC error, and 

While this clearly seems like a systemd issue, I have found a workaround 
that looks clean. Well, as clean as the shutdown command is, anyway. This 

* modifying the "iscsiadm -k" command to require passing in the PID of the 
daemon to be killed
* modifying the iscsiadm to only call kill_iscsid() if positive PID is 
passed in, and that PID exists. It verifies this by sending a blank signal 
to the process.
* modifying the iscsid.service systemd unit file so that the ExecStop 
command becomes "iscsiadm -k 0 $MAINPID"

I know other distributions are having been dealing with iscsid service 
shutdown issues with systemd for a while now. Perhaps somebody else has a 
better solution?

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