Hello all --

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Abe White, I'm a BEA employee (by way of SolarMetric), and I expect that I'll be spending most of my time working on OpenJPA once we separate out our proprietary bits and get it off the ground.

As you've been discussing, one of the goals of OpenJPA is that the core be JDK 1.3-compatible. Another goal, however, is that OpenJPA scale very well. To that end, I spent a little time recently investigating concurrency in the Kodo codebase. I've only gone over the "lib" code (basically the stuff that's checked into OpenJPA), but it turns out that with a few of the java.util.concurrent classes, we could get rid of almost all synchronization. Unfortunately, the java.util.concurrent package is 1.5-only, and even the available backport is 1.4 code (http://dcl.mathcs.emory.edu/util/backport-util- concurrent/). The backport is public domain, and it would be trivial to alter the few classes we need (ConcurrentHashMap, CopyOnWriteArrayList, CopyOnWriteArraySet) to be 1.4-compatible and check them in as OpenJPA utils (well actually Kodo utils, but OpenJPA utils when we synch the codebases). Before I do that, however, I'm wondering if anyone has other suggestions. Perhaps there is already code out there I don't know about.

p.s. It turns out that a ConcurrentHashMap that could deal with soft/ weak references would also be very useful in a couple of places, so if anyone knows of such a beast, speak up. I haven't investigated the feasibility of making one yet.

p.p.s. Not sure if Patrick has mentioned this, but the plan is to use a Sun-like coding style for OpenJPA. The code currently checked in uses the old SolarMetric style (which has its roots in the style of an even older company). So I just wanted to assure everyone that we'll switch over to a style more people are probably used to at some point in this migration from the Kodo codebase. I personally am a nazi about formatting being consistent, so when we do switch, it will be completely. _______________________________________________________________________
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