
Let me give it a try. How would the persistence.xml property look like to generate .sql file?

Actually, I just took a look at this, and it look like it isn't possible to use the "SynchronizeMappings" property to automatically output a sql file. The reason is that the property takes a standard OpenJPA plugin string that configures an instances of MappingTool, but the MappingTool class doesn't have a setter for the SQL file to write out to.

So I think your only recourse would be to write your own adapter to to this that manually creates a MappingTool instance and runs it with the correct flags for outputting a sql file. Take a look at the javadocs for the MappingTool to get started, and let us know if you have any questions about proceeding.

On Mar 20, 2007, at 4:59 PM, Marina Vatkina wrote:


Marc Prud'hommeaux wrote:
They do in SE, but as there is no requirement to do it in EE, people try to reduce the amount of typing ;).
Hmm ... we might not actually require it in EE, since we do examine the ejb jar to look for persistent classes. I'm not sure though. You should test with both listing them and not listing them. I'd be interested to know if it works without.

Let me give it a try. How would the persistence.xml property look like to generate .sql file? Where will it be placed in EE environment? Does it use use the name as-is or prepend it with some path?


On Mar 20, 2007, at 4:19 PM, Marina Vatkina wrote:

Marc Prud'hommeaux wrote:

On Mar 20, 2007, at 4:02 PM, Marina Vatkina wrote:


Thanks for the pointers. Can you please answer the following set of questions?

1. The doc requires that "In order to enable automatic runtime mapping, you must first list all your persistent classes". Is this true for EE case also?

Yes. People usually list them all in the <class> tags in the persistence.xml file.

They do in SE, but as there is no requirement to do it in EE, people try to reduce the amount of typing ;).

If OpenJPA can identify all entities in EE world, why can't it do the same for the schema generation?

I'll check the rest.


2. Section "1.2.Generating DDL SQL" talks about .sql files, but what I am looking for are "jdbc" files, i.e. files with the lines that can be used directly as java.sql statements to be executed against database.

The output should be sufficient. Try it out and see if the format is something you can use.

3. Is there a document that describes all possible values for the "openjpa.jdbc.SynchronizeMappings" property?

Unfortunately, no. Basically, the setting of the "SynchronizeMappings" property will be of the form "action (Bean1=value1,Bean2=value2)", where the "bean" values are those listed in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.MappingTool (whose javadoc you can see docs/latest/ javadoc/org/ apache/openjpa/jdbc/meta/ MappingTool.html ).

thank you,

Marc Prud'hommeaux wrote:

On Mar 15, 2007, at 5:01 PM, Marina Vatkina wrote:


I am part of the GlassFish persistence team and was wondering how does OpenJPA support JPA auto DDL generation (we call it "java2db") in a Java EE application server.

Our application server supports java2db via creating two sets of files for each PU: a ...dropDDL.jdbc and a ...createDDL.jdbc file on deploy (i.e. before the application is actually loaded into the container) and then executing 'create' file as the last step in deployment, and 'drop' file on undeploy or the 1st step in redeploy. This allows us to drop tables created by the previous deploy operation.

This approach is done for both, the CMP and the default JPA provider. It would be nice to add java2db support for OpenJPA as well, and I'm wondering if we need to do anything special, or it'll all work just by itself?

We do have support for runtime creation of the schema via the "openjpa.jdbc.SynchronizeMappings" property. It is described at: manual.html#ref_guide_mapping_synch The property can be configured to run the mappingtool (also described in the documentation) at runtime against all the registered persistent classes.

Here are my 1st set of questions:

1. Which API would trigger the process, assuming the correct values are specified in the persistence.xml file? Is it:
a) <provider>.createContainerEntityManagerFactory(...)? or
b) the 1st call to emf.createEntityManager() in this VM?
c) something else?


2. How would a user drop the tables in such environment?

I don't think it can be used to automatically drop then create tables. The "mappingtool" can be executed manually twice, the first time to drop all the tables, and the second time to re- create them, but I don't think it can be automatically done at runtime with the "SynchronizeMappings" property.

3. If the answer to either 1a or 1b is yes, how does the code distinguish between the server startup time and the application being loaded for the 1st time?

That is one of the reasons why we think it would be inadvisable to automatically drop tables at runtime :)

4. Is there a mode that allows creating a file with the jdbc statements to create or drop the tables and constraints?

Yes. See: manual.html#ref_guide_ddl_examples

thank you,

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