The spec defines the following limitations of a MappedSuperclass: Mapped Superclasses
A mapped superclass, unlike an entity, is not queryable and cannot be passed as an argument to EntityManager or Query operations. A mapped superclass cannot be the target of a persistent relationship.


tbee wrote:

tbee wrote:

Jacek Laskowski-4 wrote:

So I read it that you're relying "on the other mechanisms" TopLink JPA

Ah, no, all classes are defined in the persistence.xml. In fact I turned
autodetection explicitely off when I was trying Hibernate (OpenJPA is
attempt 3); my persistent classes are reverse engineered from the DB and
some metatables generate classes that cause trouble, and I explicitely
make them non-persistent by removing them from the <class> list. Sorry.

Is it possible this has to do with the way I've setup the entity classes?
What I do is have an @Entity class without any fields and it extends a
@MappedSuperclass which is generated from the DB and where all the actual
fields are declared.

public class Article extends
        ... almost empty...

public class Article
        @OneToMany(mappedBy = "iArticle"...
        private String iDescription;

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