Dear Users,

Thank you for maintaining this list.

I have been using AFS in the past, but never tried this sort of thing

I have terabytes of data that I would like to "convert" into AFS. It
right now exists on a large XFS filesystem.

Shutting down the server, or rather, denying access to the files, even
for a few hours is not really an option, not even during the holidays.

I was thinking about converting this entrie large volume into an AFS
space on-the-fly. Here's what I thought, would it work? Or is there a
better way?

First I would set up the cell and everything, then just run a

vos create -server athlas -partition /vicepa -name root.afs -cell
cellname -noauth

..right on top of the existing partition...

(Now if this sounds extremely stupid please note I never done this
before, just thinking here...)

After that, I'll just locally mount my cell up under /afs/.cellname with
afsclient on the same server.

Set up ACL.

Once that's done, since I have about enough space left to store the data
2 times over, I just get my tokens and just "copy over" the files to the
virtual mount from the large partition, then delete the old data so that
now only the AFS data exists on it. Done.

Does this make sense? Or how would you do it?

Thank you for any ideas.


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