On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 12:24:23PM -0700, Steven Dake wrote:
> This diagram indicates there is a need for two separate levels of
> datahiding.  The first level is the libcsdb (corosync db) which then
> some other library parses for information specific to the cluster stack.
> Then this other api is used.  In my mind this type of double abstraction
> serves no purpose.  They both serve up the same data.  It also may

Right, libcsdb isn't doing anything, scratch it out.  I just added it
because Chrissie suggested another lib in there might help.

> Caching these values is not suitable in my opinion.  Just use the rest
> of the infrastructure we already have in place to parse them and put
> them in the objdb and make them available via some unnamed api.

Fine, scratch that too, it's not important.

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