On 06/05/2013 03:50 PM, Maciek Wójcikowski wrote:
> There is an undocumented option in molecule.write() and .readfile() which
> allows of passing options to reading/writing. You must pass opt with
> dictionary of options. For line you gave: opt = {'b' : None, 'i' : None,
> 'a' : None} although I believe that 'b' : None should be 'b' : '' if you
> wish to pass empty value, since None is reserved for options without value.
> You could look into that in pybel.py file.

Cool, thanks. I was hoping I won't have to try and figure out SVGFormat
and OBPainter and the rest of them...

bardzo dziekuje
Dimitri Maziuk
BioMagResBank, UW-Madison -- http://www.bmrb.wisc.edu

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