On 2017-09-30, Peter Hessler <phess...@theapt.org> wrote:
> Can you share your dhcpcd.conf file, and the way you run it?

Also the log entries from dhcpcd.

>:I'm using em2 for my Internet facing interface
>:and em1 for my LAN facing interface.
>:By simply adding "inet6 autoconf" to
>:both hostname.em1 and hostname.em2, I get my IPv6 static IP
>:assigned to the router as shown below from ifconfig -A.
>:I and can ping6 any web address.

The ISP is not on em1 - don't set "autoconf" on em1.

Configured correctly, dhcpcd will ask the ISP (on em2) to delegate
a prefix to use on em1. If the ISP grants this, dhcpcd would configure
an address from within that prefix on em1.

You want rtadvd handing out the address to clients on em1.

>:Sep 27 23:20:21 meenon rtadvd[8704]: M flag inconsistent on em2: ON 
>:from:fe80::f44b:2aff:fe77:33d0, OFF from us

Don't run rtadvd on em2. This is equivalent to running a dhcp server on
the interface facing your ISP.

"rcctl set rtadvd flags em1" and "rcctl restart rtadvd" to run it on
just the internal interface.

If you don't get it working from this information, the best place
to ask is probably the dhcpcd mailing list.

>:# ifconfig -A
>:lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 32768
>:        index 6 priority 0 llprio 3
>:        groups: lo
>:        inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
>:        inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x6
>:        inet netmask 0xff000000
>:        lladdr xx:36:9f:87:06:0b
>:        description: Private Network
>:        index 2 priority 0 llprio 3
>:        media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT 
>:        status: active
>:        inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
>:        inet6 fe80::a236:9fff:fe87:60b%em1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2

btw, if you're going to mask (part of) the mac address, you need to
also mask the link-local address which is derived from it. ...so now
we can all find out that you have Intel and Supermicro NICs :-)

But it doesn't really matter. Usually you're better off not masking.
If it's done inconsistently you just cause confusion for people who
are trying to help.

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