> I guess that in the
>> time of making first OpenCog lines, there were no graph databases, the
>> resarch and tools of graph mathcing and mining was only ascent field. But
>> today the situation is far more different - today graph databases and
>> mathcing/mining projects are available. Maybe the development strategy
>> should be changed - maybe one should more extensively use these projects and
>> there is mismatch of requirements then contribute to these speciality
>> projects back and not to try overdo them.

yeah, this makes sense until you look at the details...

One option we have looked at but not fully explored is Apache Ignite,
which is a sort of middleware layer between applications and storage.
It could possibly make sense to use Ignite as the basis for a
distributed OpenCog system -- retaining the current Atomspace as a
"local cache" and using Ignite to handle persistent storage and to
contain policies for interaction between local-cache Atomspaces on
different machines

However, this is easy to say and the hidden rocks may only become
apparent after actually trying it.   If someone feels like prototyping
this, that would be quite interesting.

I can say with confidence there is no other pattern-matching or
pattern-mining framework that does what OpenCog's does, and extending
Neo4J Cypher or whatever is not a viable route to reimplementing what
OpenCog's tools do...

It would require a lot less effort to create nice documentation and
interfaces for OpenCog, than to reimplement OpenCog functions atop
some fashionable platform that is inappropriate for the purpose...

I regret that OpenCog remains so hard to approach.  In large part it
has evolved this way because the vast bulk of funding that has gone
into OpenCog has been oriented toward paying a small group of people
to work, in a hurry, on making OpenCog do something specific....   We
have not yet had a big chunk of funding dedicated to making it easy to
use as a platform.  Hopefully that will change soon.

-- Ben G

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