On Mon, Oct 21, 2019 at 5:46 AM Roland Coeurjoly <rolandcoeurj...@gmail.com>

> When I click in the link you posted:
> https://explore.ipld.io/#/explore/QmT9tZttJ4gVZQwVFHWTmJYqYGAAiKEcvW9k98T5syYeYU
> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fexplore.ipld.io%2F%23%2Fexplore%2FQmT9tZttJ4gVZQwVFHWTmJYqYGAAiKEcvW9k98T5syYeYU&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNGurHMhz0q46zI8InLs7eO3w4ptNw>
> On another browser I don't get that error but it stays forever loading,
> without nothing displaying.

It won't be "forever", but it might be a long time. The speed at which IPFS
distributes requests seems to be problematic.  I don't understand why.
There is a DHT, and clearly, various peers have to talk to one-another to
figure out where some particular entry is. From experience, this seems to
take minutes.

That is -- that particular entry is on my server, and accessing it locally,
its instant. But for explore.ipld.io -- it needs to query the DHT to find
my server (or some other server that has a cached copy) and again, that
slow, I don't know why.

-- Linas
cassette tapes - analog TV - film cameras - you

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