I want to traverse the whole atomspace loaded using Python API. So far I
have tried this:

from opencog.atomspace import types

links = atomspace.get_atoms_by_type(types.Link)
#nodes = atomspace.get_atoms_by_type(types.Node)

def traverse_atomspace(lns):
  for link in lns:
    link_arr = []
    traverse_atomspace_helper(link, link_arr)

def traverse_atomspace_helper(link, container):
  if len(link.out) == 0:
  for atom  in link.out:
    if len(atom.out) != 0: # it is a link by itself
      traverse_atomspace_helper(atom, container)


This prints the all the atoms as it traverses through each link. But I was
wondering if there is a better way to do it? Can we use pattern matcher
functions “natively”? i.e without going through scheme_eval madness?

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