
Last week I sent you an e-mail about my problem with running a
loadable C++ module on AIX
(http://opendx.npaci.edu/mail/opendx-dev/2003.07/msg00079.html).  So
far I have not resolved the problem.  I am writing again to report my
further problems and to ask you for help.

As the module did not run after I built it by hand the way I thought
it should be built, I decided to employ LIBTOOL to build the module
for us.  This unfortunately did not help us - the module is built, but
dxexec crashes when it tries to run it.  I figured dxexec might have
crashed because the modules were built without specifying their entry
point (DXEntry).

Therefore I instructed LIBTOOL to build the module with an entry point
"DXEntry" by adding "ImportHDF5Field_LDFLAGS = -eDXEntry" in
Makefile.am.  When LIBTOOL is invoked in the building process I can
see that "-eDXEntry" is passed to LIBTOOL, but in the actual command
generated by LIBTOOL this option is omitted.

Have you built a loadable module with LIBTOOL and succeeded in running
it on AIX?  I am a novice at using LIBTOOL, and perhaps I am using it
in a wrong way.

Having so much trouble with loadable modules, I finally decided to
build outboard modules instead of loadable modules.  There is an
advantage of using outboard modules - it's just an executable,
supported by every operating system.  Moreover, building a separate
executable is straightforward (at least at the operating systems that
I know) unlike building shared libraries.

Similarly, our outboard modules are built but they do not run.  I
tried running the modules both on Linux (Intel) and AIX (IBM SP
RS/6000).  As for Linux, I get this message:

> Begin Execution
>  0: Starting
>  /home/research/ijs/local/dxhdf5/modules_linux/ImportHDF5Field on
>  localhost.localdomain; will wait up to 60 seconds for connections.
> ERROR: ImportHDF5Field: Bad parameter: connection to host
> localhost.localdomain failed

I searched the opendx-dev mail archive for this error.  I found a tip
advising to check if the name "localhost.localdomain" is resolved.  I
checked this - it is resolved (I have an entry for this in

When I run an outboard module on AIX I only get this:

> Begin Execution
> 0: Starting /u11/ijs/local/dxhdf5//modules_ibm6000/ImportHDF5Field
> on loopback; will wait up to 60 seconds for connections.

The module is highlighted in green, as though as it is being executed.
I do not get an error message, no matter how long I wait (I waited an

Is there documentation specifically devoted to developing portable
OpenDX modules besides OpenDX's "Programmer's Reference"?

Please share any ideas you might have.

Best & thanks,

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