I am not an advanced DX user therefore I know nothing about the
scripting possibilities you are using. In the networks I build in the
visual program editor I use the 'image' module to produce the
graphics. Doing so an 'image' window opens when the program is
run. If I choose 'Options --> Rendering Options...' in the menu I can
choose between software and hardware rendering. I encountered strange
black lines comparable to yours before when I switched from one to the
other and reexecuted the visualization network.

Would be interesting to know if this resolves your problem! And it
would perhaps explain why other people with other graphics hardware do
not see this black line.

Greetings to Heidelberg
Ulrich Oelmann

On Thu, 14 Oct 2004, Nicolas Neuss wrote:

> [...]
> What can I test in this direction?  I tried setting DXGAMMA, DXHWGAMMA,
> etc, but the result is always the same image with black diagonal line
> through the blue square.
> Thanks, Nicolas.

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