Dear DX/DX2 users,


I am learning OpenDX. I have a general understanding of DX and I can write a
net file for plotting 3D isosurfaces, but I am not a pro.

My question is:

Giving a position file and a general file as a description, how can I plot a
ball-stick structure for a molecule within the modules/macros provided by

For example:

I have a file and a general file like these:


TDPP geo

          C       -7.144175   -0.953942    0.162885

          C       -5.848447   -1.408507   -0.116238

          C       -4.862029   -0.424485   -0.265522




file =

points = 46

format = ascii

interleaving = field

header = lines 2

field = field0, locations

structure = string[15], 3-vector

type = string, float




My net file looks like this: FileSelector->Import->AutoGlyph->Image. After
executing, I got a picture with white letter on the right positions.

But I am wondering how to make it a ball-Stick structure. To bring the
problem down, there are three sub questions:

1.       How can I tell DX to plot a sphere at the all the positions of
carbon, and not simply write a "C" on the point?

2.       How can I tell DX to calculate the distance between any two atoms?

3.       For distances smaller than a specific number, how can I tell DX to
connect the corresponding atoms with a line?

Any suggestion will be appreciated. I just don't know which module should be
used. And I think maybe a little hint will be great!



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