Dear dx Users,

I have very large dx files (~800 MB; output from a mantle convection code)
and I tried to use opendx to visualize the 3d temeprature field. But I
could not since there is a memory error. The communication window says: out
of memory reached limit in large arena. I have 32 GB of rams in my
workstation and I also ran the dx with the command flag -memory 32000 but
the large item in the arena never exceeds the 2 GB (1920 MB - exactly). I
think there is a memory bug.
Is there any other options to tell dx to use more memory than 2 GB ? Any
suggestions are very welcome. This project is a part of my Phd.


Herein Matyas

ELTE TTK Geofizikai es Urtudomanyi Tanszek
Eotvos University Department of Geophysics and Space Sciences
1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
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