Dear openEHRers,


Zotero <>  is a great freely available reference
manager tool and we have set up a group repository for openEHR
related publications and other related material (e.g. presentations, blogs,
videos and more!). Intended primarily for researchers I think you can all
find useful information as the content is very diverse. From the openEHR
website we have provided links to the web-based repository where you can
browse/search and view bibliographic information (not actual pdfs as there
are copyright restrictions). You can actually do much more than just
browsing and start using Zotero application (offered as an extension if
you're using Firefox which is reliable and lightning fast or install
standalone desktop version if you don't want to use Firefox) to locally have
this collection and furthermore edit citations and create reference lists
with word processor plug-ins. There are also various phone/tablet based
clients in all platforms. The real value of this collection is that it is
being curated carefully and almost on a daily basis - so if you can't find a
particular paper or you thing an openEHR related resource ought to be there
we'd appreciate if you can please drop me an email at
( Now if you actually have legitimate access to
paywalls via your university/organisation you can ask to be added as a
member so you can also gain access to full text. The collection is organised
in categories - with the first three being:

1) Foundational

2) Theses and dissertations

3) Introduction-Primers


We hope you'll find this resource helpful and also help us better curate it
by letting us know of any new material. Also if you happen to be using
Zotero as your reference manager and willing to help curate please do let me
know as well. Enjoy J






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