On 25-06-18 14:56, Anastasiou A. wrote:
Once you have this minimal dataset discovered, THEN you could compose the 
template or automatically create the archetypes.

And yes, this CAN be done today, definitely.

There is an understandable mindset which aspires to work with a standard-set of archetypes, which are many times reviewed, and which have a review-status and a kind of guaranteed quality. There is a risque of bias in this, for example: That datapoint is not practical, a GP will never record that, or it is not significant. Those predefined archetypes are always a filter on what can occur. But they have also an advantage because they are build on common sense, on what is desirable in healthcare to know. So mostly they cover what is to say about a disease, but it is always knowledge from the past, and always in common sense, so it is quite conservative.

I wonder if besides that approach an approach of archetypes growing in the wild could be of use. They could be used beside the predefined archetypes.

So we don't need to worry, we throw nothing away. We are adding, not replacing.


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