> The concept of modelling the symptoms in a genric manner manner and have
> these called up whenever there is a need to record the details.
I am not sure I fully understand what you want to say. What do
you mean by "modelling the symptoms" ?

Symptoms could be recorded as free text. This approach you
describe as inadequate. It *is* inadequate if the goal is to
process the input computationally. The solution is not,
however, to use (inadequate) coding systems as is discussed in
Slee, Slee, Schmidt, "The Endangered Medical Record" (excerpt
available from http://www.tringa.com ).

Another approach would be to really *model* symptoms based on
openEHR archetypes. This promises to offer some degree of
computationality yet preserve the free text. Others in this
list have more experience with that.

Data-mining, however, shouldn't be the aim of an EMR. It
should be focussed on patient care. Data-mining will occur
with aggregates of extracts *from* EMRs.

Karsten Hilbert, MD
GPG key ID E4071346 @ wwwkeys.pgp.net
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